Sorry if this one is short, reporting as a STL (Sister Training Leader) on exchanges to President takes a lot longer than I thought it would!
week was just full of miracles, and I know that so many of you are
praying for Sister Sullivan and I to find solid investigators- because
those prayers are being answered!
I never knew how
heart pounding it would be to train during Zone Training. I didn't think
it would be a huge deal but then I realized the President and Sister
Harding would be there including the Assistants to the President. But we did
well and one of the sisters who just arrived here in the mission told
us that Sister Sullivan and I are like the dynamic duo. Woo! I actually
know what I'm doing nine months into the mission! The temple was also just
amazing! For those who haven't gone recently, you should. :)
Sister Sullivan and I in front of one of my FAVORITE places in Georgia--the Temple |
We had such
an awesome lesson with M. and B. on Wednesday (Hump Day!) and it
was the funniest thing. My email cannot do justice on what they told us
because they have the cutest Southern accents. We finished the
Restoration with them (repetitiveness is key) and they both want to be
baptized. Sister Sullivan had a bad previous experience with teaching a
couple that wasn't married yet so we brought out Law of Chastity right
away. We've been focusing on families every since we met them, so it
wasn't a huge leap. They both want to get married to each other, but
M. is married to another woman but doesn't have the money to get the
divorce, although his wife would agree to sign the papers. B. said,
"I know that we're living in, what do you call it.. adultery." Then
Mitch piped in, "And I know that if I went to Jesus he would tell me,
'You shouldn't be living in adultery.' and I would tell him, 'I didn't
have the money to get the divorce.' and Jesus would tell me 'well you shouldn't
have gotten with the other woman!' (Please please please envision this
in the best southern accent you got. Even put it in a southern accent
reader that you could find on Google somewhere.) They didn't justify
what they were doing at all, so I'm glad they know that polygamy is not
the answer haha! The divorce 'may' cost $82 so I'm pretty sure we'll be
able to take care of it. They're not on date but I'm sure they will be
Happy Hump Day! Do you get the animal cookie camel symbolism? | | | | | | | |
Sister Sullivan and I celebrating my half way mark! |
It's so sad because L. cancelled on us so we weren't able to teach her and her family. (This is the woman we tracted out last week that recently moved to Fayetteville and invited us to teach her entire family last Wednesday night.) How sad!
feel like missionaries are the last group of people to know about
things. Apparently there's an Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leon? Say what?
Well, we found out Wednesday because at least two elders got reassigned
to our mission and got emergency SOSed out of there. One of them is
staying in our ward and the other one went to the YSA ward in our
building. Now we have two sets of elders and sisters in our ward and
once again, our ward is as confused as ever. Elder Vernon and Anderson
were once companions, but now they split and both have new companions.
Gotta love confusing the ward! :)
It was pretty
embarrassing, a family invited us in to their home so we could leave the
Savior's Peace and Blessings upon their home since it was super hot.
After the prayer we go into our spiel about the Restoration and they
bluntly told us that they've met with missionaries before. They gave
us some ice water and we continued to talk. Sister Sullivan grabs to get
one of our cards and she spilled her ice water all over the floor!
Oops! They were totally okay with it since they mentioned to us a lot
worse stuff has been dropped on their floor. Then once we left Sister
Sullivan told me that I mixed up the daughters names and what they
wanted us to pray for. Oops again! It's the thought that counts, right?
A couple weeks ago we met this woman named T.,
and she accepted to be baptized right there on the porch, but didn't set
a baqptismal date. She cancelled our return appointment the next day,
but we had the feeling to go over there on Saturday and we ended up
meeting her Mom Le., and her daughter Ta. We taught them the
Restoration as they fed us fried chicken, biscuits, and corn. (My first
time having fried chicken and biscuits in Georgia, shocking.) They all
accepted to be baptized on September 6th, and they are so excited about
it! We gave T. a Book of Mormon when we first met her and she held it
so lovingly in her arms as she and Ta. were at church yesterday.
She was so grateful to be there, and she even calls us and the church
members 'family' every time she would introduce herself. She is so humble
and grateful that we invited her to church. Unfortunately, they're
living in a bad area of Fayetteville so they can never leave the house
unoccupied, which is why Le didn't come. We later found out why she
cancelled that first appointment was because her Mom was in a car
accident that totaled her car!
I had my first exchange with Sister Hendricks down in Locust
Grove. We got completely drenched because I found out my umbrella has
holes in it, or the rain gave it holes because it was so violent. She
has only been out for 3 months, and we were able to find her three
investigators, and some solid potentials. One of them is a family, and
the Mom said that she would be baptized if she knew that the church was
true. Sister Hendricks later told me that she's never set so many return appointments
in one day. I thought bless her heart because we only found three
investigators, and we were finding all day. I have felt inadequate when
it came to being an STL because I feel like I always need to learn more
and more, but I realized that I have gone through a lot of experience in
the past nine months that other sisters can benefit from. The feelings
of inadequacy isn't completely gone, but it's a start! We have another
exchange this Wednesday in Thomaston (the deepest south of the mission),
and on Friday we're going on a blitz (all four of us are there and we
go out and find) in Griffin because they're whitewashing the area (that means they
both are new and they have to start fresh) so that'll be fun! Sister
Stephens is in Griffin, and she too was in my MTC district
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